Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Break Foot Surgery

Walking into foot surgery was like stepping up to the plate to hit in little league. I had no idea what was going to happen, but i was pretty sure it wasnt going to be good. First off, I sucked at batting, secondly foot kinda freak me out. This was not going to go well. In the surgery briefing with the patients father, the surgeon, George made a wager with the father. The bet... If i lasted past the first bunion George owed the father lunch. Fuck that shit I Thought, im not going down, this isnt omaha beach or virginia tech. No ones gunna make me hit the ground.
But anyway bunion surgery was fucking weird. I watched the nurses talk about midget wrestling while rubbing a brown liquid all over her foot, the anaethesiologist counted down from 10 bragging about the liquid running into her IV, "This is what killed Jackson, we call it MJ juice". The surgeon examined the foot and asked if the one attractive nurse there had screwed one of the small midget brawlers.
I signed this confidentiality form that said i could release any names or incidents so ive changed names.
They covered the knocked out patient with a blue sheet and set to work with a super sharp knife cutting into her first foot. No blood, Im feeling okay. He starts scraping out the fat around the bone." Hey julia, did the midget wrestler look sexy", "Meatball gave me a drink" she responded. George picked up a hand saw and drove it into the bunion, slicing off a chunk of bone..he showed it too me. At this point im getting hot, im not gunna go down, im a little tired but my back is sweating. Oh shit, maybe i will go down im thinking.
They start to saw the bone open, its rediculous id never seen anything like it, they start to screw in the bolts of plastic to inhibit future bunions. Next they sewed up the large cut with dissolving thread and took a breather. Im still up... I take a deep breath. The nurses gave me this knowing look and i felt better. The second foot went by alot faster and i got through it all before 9 am. I then went to the ER and hung out till 7pm.
Im not the adrenaline type, i prefer to stay isn't for me. The nebraskan ER just had a bunch of old lady types. So not so exciting